Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


Breed - Horse

Stock: Displaying 1 to 25 from a total of 53 items

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Click to see full size: Saddle Horses

1 ) Saddled Horses by H. S. Cottereil
Miniature oil on panel of Saddled Horses by H. S. Cottereil, Circa 1860

Paintings | Horse |

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2 ) French Horse Racing in miniature and enamel
A miniature in enamel of horses racing, possible French, circa 1905

Enamels | Horse | Yr: 1905 |

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3 ) Gold Horse Equestrian Bracelet
Horse/Equestrian reverse intaglio crystal in gold bracelet. Marked "14ct" American, circa 1920.

Jewellery | Horse |

Click to see full size: Gold set cameo brooch of a French horse racing scene

4 ) Gold set cameo brooch of a French horse racing scene.
Remarkable and rare helmet shell cameo intricately carved with five horses racing, spectators and a royal box. Possibly Chantilly, mounted in an elaborate gold frame. French, circa 1880.

Jewellery | Horse | Yr: 1880 |

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5 ) Saddled Coach Horses by H.S. Cottrell (op. 1840-1860)
Saddled Coach Horses, a miniature by H.S. Cottrell (op. 1840-1860). English circa 1860.

Minatures | Horse | Artist: H.S. Cottrell | Yr: 1860 |

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6 ) Saddled by H.S. Cottrell (op. 1840-1860)
Saddled by H.S. Cottrell (op. 1840-1860). English circa 1860.

Minatures | Horse | Artist: H.S. Cottrell | Yr: 1860 |

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7 ) Horse Pendant

Jewellery | Horse |

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8 ) A pair of gold horse head earrings
A pair of 14 carat sand cast gold horse head earrings, natural pearl and emerald detailing. American, circa 1900

Jewellery | Horse | Yr: 1900 |

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9 ) Gold Horse Bracelet SOLD
A very finely made gold horse expandable linked horse bracelet. The extremely fine sand cast horse's head wears a single rope bridle decorated with a pair of old cut diamonds, an old cut emerald, and oriental pearls. The sand cast expandable links cast with scrolling decoration. American, circa 1900

Jewellery | Horse | Yr: 1900 |

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10 ) Double side gold set reverse intaglio horse Cufflinks
Double side gold set reverse intaglio cufflinks depicting four different horses. Reverse intaglio crystals are commonly and erroneously often called Essex Crystals.

Jewellery | Horse |

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11 ) Horse Bar Brooch
14ct gold bar brooch in the shape of a whip, with reverse Intaglio crystal black horse. Circa 1910. Reverse intaglio crystals are commonly and erroneously often called Essex Crystals.

Jewellery | Horse |

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12 ) Ink and pencil sketch on paper of a Shire Horse by Thomas Blinks. English circa 1890.

Paintings | Horse | Artist: Thomas Blinks | Yr: 1890 |

Click to see full size:   Coaching oil on canvas by Heywood Hardy

13 ) Coaching oil on canvas by Heywood Hardy (1843-1933).
An oil on canvas of a four in hand carriage passing a toll house by Heywood Hardy (1843-1933). English, circa 1900.

Paintings | Horse | Artist: Heywood Hardy | Yr: 1900 |

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14 ) Archer enamel titled as "Fred Archer on Ormonde" by John William Bailey (1831 - 1914)
An enamel of "Fred Archer on Ormonde" by John William Bailey (English, 1831 - 1914) after a painting by Emil Adam (English 1834-1924)

Enamels | Horse | Artist: John William Bailey | Yr: 1903 |

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15 ) Gold Ivory Horse Whip SOLD

Objets D'Art | Horse |

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16 ) Horse Whip

Objets D'Art | Horse |

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17 ) Watercolour portrait of a horse by Thomas Percy Earl (1874-1947).
Watercolour portrait of a horse by Thomas Percy Earl (1874-1947). To the reverse is written "Mumtaz Mahal, The flying filly".

Paintings | Horse | Artist: Thomas Percy Earl | Yr: 1924 |

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18 ) Reverse Intaglio Crystal brooch of two horses heads set in gold.
Marked to the reverse 'Dorothy Cooksey Marcus Xmas 1909' The brooch is further stamped 'Marcus & co', the mark of the highly respected New York jewellery firm, Marcus & Company. Dorothy Cooksey Marcus came to England in 1912, deserting her husband and children claiming her affection were grater for her horses and dogs than her family. It was interestingly reported in The New York Times of 19th August 1915. Reverse intaglio crystals are commonly and erroneously often called Essex Crystals.

Reverse Intaglios | Horse |

Click to see full size: Stick Pin of a Horse

19 ) Stick Pin of a Horse
Horse head pin by 'Fix' A stick pin of a bridled horses head by Bijoux Fix. The reverse marked 'FIX' and the pin stamped. FIX (Bijoux FIX) was founded in 1823 and is credited to have invented the laminated gold technique often known today as rolled gold. Lamination bonds a thick layer of gold onto a base metal whereas plating adds a thin layer of gold normally by a chemical or electrolytic process. FIX became a generic name used when speaking of the finest quality gold overlayed products. They produced well designed art-nouveau items that had a substantial gold layer on a base metal. French, circa 1920

Jewellery | Horse | Yr: 1920 |

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20 ) A paste brooch of a horse head
A paste brooch of a horse head. French, circa 1900

Jewellery | Horse | Yr: 1900 |

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21 ) Enamel Kenart brooch of a standing chestnut horse
An enamel brooch of a standing horse by Kenart

Enamels | Horse | Yr: 1930 |

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22 ) Reverse intaglio gold equestrian horse pin
Gold Equestrian Horse pin circa 1910-20

Jewellery | Horse | Yr: 1910 |

Click to see full size: Reverse intaglio crystal brooch of three horses

23 ) Reverse intaglio crystal brooch of three horses
Reverse intaglio crystal brooch of three bridled horses learning over a fence. Interestingly mounted in 14 carat gold with horseshoe and bridle bits. The crystal carving and painting possibly the work of Ernst Marius Pradier (English, b.1881), and American gold set, possibly commissioned through "The Crossroads of Sport Inc New York" Marked to the reverse “14k”. English / America circa 1960’s.

Reverse Intaglios | Horse |

Click to see full size: Reverse intaglio crystal double sided horse cufflinks

24 ) Reverse intaglio crystal double sided horse cufflinks
A set of reverse intaglio crystal double sided horse cufflinks, each cufflink with a study of a bridled horse. Marked to the links “14k”. Each cufflink bearing an inscription “Dolly Crowder Nov. 3rd, 1927”.

Reverse Intaglios | Horse | Yr: 1927 |

Click to see full size: A Coaching oil by Cecil Charles Windsore Aldin RBA

25 ) A coaching oil by Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin RBA (1870-1935)
A coaching oil by Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin RBA (English, 1870-1935). The coach and four blinkered horses with seven up travelling at speed chased by white terrier. English circa 1910. Known for his coaching prints and such coaching books as "The Romance of the Road the Story of Inns, Roads, Coaches and Travellers", such oils are rare.

Paintings | Horse | Artist: Cecil Aldin | Yr: 1910 |


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Breeds' Profiles (1)

1) Horse - Other

Artists' Profiles (954)

1) Robert Abbett - Other | United States

2) Benno Adam - 19th Century | Germany

3) Joseph Adam - 20th Century | Scotland

4) Julius Adam - 19th Century | Germany

5) Jacques Agasse - 19th Century | France


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Last Updated: 11:26 PM Mon 11 Nov 2024

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