Hamshere Gallery - Specialists in Canine & Sporting Antiques


Artist - Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE

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1 ) "Fire worshippers"dry-point etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee (1862-1942)
"Fire worshippers", a pencil signed artist's proof dry-point etching of a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and a Scottish Deerhound by Herbert Thomas Dicksee R.E (1862-1942. Exhibited, 1899 at the Royal Academy, exhibit number 1515. Lettered middle bottom "London, Published 1899, by C E Clifford & Co., 21 Haymarket SW", beneath signed in pencil "Herbert Dicksee". It was first published, 1899, by printsellers C E Clifford & Co., of 200 Piccadilly, later of 21 Haymarket. Frost and Reed further published the work in 1906. There is an example of the etching in the National Trust property, Tyntesfield, North Somerset. In original black ebonised frame. English, 1899.

Paintings | King Charles Cavalier Spaniel | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1899 |

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2 ) "Clouds have a Silver Lining", King Charles Cavalier Spaniel etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942)
Etching on by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE known as "Clouds have a Silver Lining". Signed artist proof of a lady Young lady upon a window seat at Penshurst Place, Kent, peering into the garden, beside her two King Charles Cavalier Spaniels Published by Frost & Reed, 1907. Signed in the margin bottom left “Herbert Dicksee”. Lettered centre top “London published in the year 1907 by The Fine Art Society (Lim) 148, New Bond Street. W” and centre bottom “Entered according to Act of Congress act in the year 1907 by The Fine Art Society (Lim) in the office of the Librarian of Congress in Washington”. English, 1907

Paintings | Other | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1907 |

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3 ) "A West Highlander", West Highland Terrier dry-point etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862-1942)
"A West Highlander" is an Artist’ proof dry-point drawing of a seated West Highland Terrier for the series of etchings entitled, "Footsteps"; an edition limited to just 150 by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862-1942), published by Frost & Reed in 1930. Numbered and signed in pencil, bottom right “8/150 Herbert Dicksee”. Lettered, bottom centre “Copyright by Frost & Reed Ltd. (of Bristol England), of the United States of America”. On the reverse there is a 1980’s label for “The Countryman’s Gallery 14 Harcourt Estate, Kibworth Harcourt, Leicestershire, Telephone 053753 3211 Sporting and Country Pictures, Prints and Books”. English, 1930".

Paintings | West Highland White Terrier | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1930 |

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4 ) Scottish Deerhound etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942)
An etching of a head study of a Scottish Deerhound by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942). Signed, bottom left, in pencil “Herbert Dicksee”. To the reverse gallery label for "Robert Dunthorne, The Rembrandt Gallery, Liverpool" and exhibition date for 1895. Robert Dunthorne was a London print dealer and publisher. Dunthorne was the official publisher to the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engavers. He had premises at 5-6 Vigo Street in London. In 1894 he opened the Rembrandt Gallery. English, 1895.

Paintings | Scottish Deerhound | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1895 |

Click to see full size: Rough Collie by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE

5 ) Pencil drawing of a "Rough Collie" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942)
A pencil drawing on paper of a seated Rough Collie by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942) of a seated and expectant Scottish Terrier. The preparatory drawing for the Collie in the etching "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot" published by the Fine Arts Society 1903.

Paintings | Collie | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE |

Click to see full size: Footsteps by Herbert Thomas Dicksee

6 ) A West Highland Terrier preparatory drawing by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862-1942)
The preparatory drawing of the seated West Highland Terrier for the etchings "Footsteps" and "A West Highlander" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862-1942), published by Frost and Reed in 1926 and 1930 respectively. English, circa 1926

Paintings | West Highland White Terrier | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1926 |

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7 ) "The Sentinal" a Bloodhound by Herbert Thomas Dicksee (English, 1862 - 1942)
A Bloodhound etching on Japanese vellum, artist proof, signed in pencil by Herbert Dicksee (English, 1862 - 1942). Titled "The Sentinel" this etching was published by Frost and Reed in 1913. That year Dicksee exhibited "The Sentinel " etching at the Royal Academy (catalogue number Nr 1477). This is a rare remarque proof

Paintings | Bloodhound | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1913 |

Click to see full size: Scottish Deerhound” etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE

8 ) "Scottish Deerhound" etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE, (English, 1862 - 1942)
An etching of a head study of a Scottish Deerhound Dry point artist proof limited to 150 editions with "FATG" (Fine Art Trade Guild) and "JZM" blindstamps. Further described in the image: "Copyright 1924 by Frost& Reed Ltd (of Bristol, England) in the United States of America".

Paintings | Scottish Deerhound | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1924 |

Click to see full size: King Charles Spaniel / Toy Spaniel by Herbert Thomas Dicksee

9 ) "Prince Charles aka Bonnie Prince Charlie" King Charles Spaniel / Toy Spaniel etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942)
An etching of a seated King Charles Spaniel / Toy Spaniel by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942). The etching known as "Prince Charles aka Bonnie Prince Charlie" was published by Frost & Reed in 1902. This possibly is Herbert Dicksee's own toy spaniel as referred to in Enoch Scribes' 1906 article.

Paintings | Spaniels (English Toy) | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1902 |

Click to see full size: “Forgotten”  Scottish Terrier etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee

10 ) "Forgotten" Scottish Terrier etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942)
An etching on vellum by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942) of a seated and expectant Scottish Terrier. The etching known as "Forgotten" was published by Frost & Reed in 1922, and is one of the rare artists proofs on vellum, signed in pencil "Herbert Dicksee".

Paintings | Scottish Terrier | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1922 |

Click to see full size: Alsatians Scottish Terrier etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee

11 ) "Alsatians" German Shepherd etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942)
An etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942) of a standing and recumbent German Shepherd. The etching known as "Alsatians" was published by Frost & Reed in 1926, and exhibited at the Royal Academy, catalogue number 1064. It was limited to just 150 signed artist proofs and signed in pencil "Herbert Dicksee", in the bottom margin.

Paintings | German Shepherd Dog (Alsatian) | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE |

Click to see full size: O For A Touch Of A Vanished Hand” Scottish Deerhound by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE

12 ) The "O For A Touch Of A Vanished Hand" Scottish Deerhound by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE, (English, 1862 - 1942)
An artist's proof etching 0n vellum by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE, (English, 1862 - 1942), called the "O For A Touch Of A Vanished Hand" depicting a recumbent Scottish Deerhound in an interior setting by his master's glove.

Paintings | Scottish Deerhound | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE |

Click to see full size: Silent Sympathy Scottish Deerhound etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee

13 ) "Silent Sympathy" Scottish Deerhound etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE, (1862 - 1942)
An etching creswick paper of a recumbent Scottish Deerhound besides seated girl before open fire. Known as "Silent Sympathy" this was published by Frost & Reed in 1894. In that year Dicksee exhibited the etching at the Royal Academy, catalogue number 11001, then titled "Her First Love". Approximately 19 x 23 inches. It was illustrated in ‘The Graphic’ of October 29, 1894. English, 1894.

Paintings | Scottish Deerhound | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1894 |

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14 ) "Goodbye", lady walking Scottish Deerhound by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (1862 - 1942)
The etching known as "Goodbye", is of Gladys Cooper before steps in the gardens of Penshurst Place, Tonbridge, Kent, walking a Scottish Deerhound by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (1862 - 1942). This is the rarer remarque proof on vellum, signed in pencil "Herbert Dicksee" by the artist, published by the New York publisher C Klackner and printed in London by Paul Moglia. Lettered top left "Copyright May 1902, by C Klackner, 7 West Street, New York" and top right "Published by C Klackner, 12 Haymaket, London", Copyright Registered. Printed by Paul Moglia, London. It measures approximately 26 ⅜ x 18 1/2 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1902, catalogue number 1303. The reverse bears gallery label “From T Richardson & Co., Fine Art Gallery, 43 Piccadilly, London, W” with ink inscription “Original Artist’s Proof Etching Goodbye Herbert Dicksee”. English, 1902.

Paintings | Scottish Deerhound | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1902 |

Click to see full size:  The Little Gipsy by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE

15 ) " The Little Gipsy" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE, (English, 1862 – 1942).
The etching of " The Little Gipsy" a seated gypsy girl with a seated Wire-haired Fox Terrier by a working cauldron by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (1862 - 1942). The etching was exhibited Royal Academy in 1903, catalogue number 1310. This is the rarer proof on vellum signed in pencil "Herbert Dicksee" by the artist.

Paintings | Wire Haired Fox Terrier | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE |

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16 ) "In Sight at Last" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (1862 - 1942)
"In Sight at Last", 24 x 17 inches, by Herbert Thomas Dicksee. 1923, Limited edition signed artist's proofs on vellum. Lady gazing out to sea with Retriever & Terrier.

Paintings | Terrier | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1923 |

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17 ) Wire-haired Fox Terrier "Where's Master?" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (1862 - 1942)
"Where's Master" depicts King Edward VII's terrier Caesar by the King's empty chair by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (English, 1862 - 1942). This is the rarer and best version, a remarque proof on vellum signed in pencil by the artist. Titled next to Dicksee’s signature in the format of a dog’s collar name disc “CAESAR I BELONG TO THE KING”. To the reverse, written in ink "Caesar Original Etching by Herbert Dicksee" on printed fine art dealer’s label “From C Klackner 20 Old Bond Street London". “Where's Master", the engraving was exhibited Royal Academy in 1911, catalogue number 1422. The Wire Fox Terrier "Caesar of Notts" was bred in 1898 by the Duchess of Newcastle, famous in the breed, and presented to King Edward VII in 1903. The King and his dog became inseparable. A medallion inscribed ' Caesar - I belong to the King' was attached to his collar.

Paintings | Wire Haired Fox Terrier | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1911 |

Click to see full size: Clouds have a Silver Lining

18 ) Etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE (1862 - 1942) known as "Clouds have a Silver Lining"
Etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE known as "Clouds have a Silver Lining" Signed artist proof of a lady Young lady upon a window seat at Penshurst Place, Kent, peering into the garden, beside her two King Charles Spaniels Published by Frost & Reed

Paintings | King Charles Cavalier Spaniel | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE |

Click to see full size:  My lady Sleeps by Herbert Thomas Dicksee webready

19 ) Etching on paper of a Mastiff and girl, titled "My Lady Sleeps" by Hebert Thomas Dicksee RE (English 1862-1942)
Etching on paper of a Mastiff and girl, titled "My Lady Sleeps" by Hebert Thomas Dicksee(English 1862-1942). Published by Frost & Reed (1905), limited edition, artist proof on vellum, signed on pencil. SOLD

Paintings | Mastiff | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1905 |

Click to see full size: Fire worshippers by Herbert Thomas Dicksee (1862-1942)

20 ) "Fire worshippers" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee (1862-1942)
Known as "Fire worshippers", watercolour of a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and an Irish Wolfhound by Herbert Thomas Dicksee R.E (1862-1942). The finished study for his 1899 engraving of the same name "Fire Worshippers" exhibited at the Royal Academy. It was first published, 1899, by printsellers C E Clifford & Co., of 200 Piccadilly, later of 21 Haymarket. Frost and Reed further published the work in 1906. There is an example of the etching in the National Trust property, Tyntesfield, North Somerset.

Paintings | King Charles Cavalier Spaniel | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE |

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21 ) West highland Terrier "Footsteps" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE, (English, 1862 - 1942)
Etching "Footsteps" by "Herbert Thomas Dicksee" signed artist proof on vellum limited to 325 impressions. Published by Frost and Reed 1926.

Paintings | West Highland White Terrier | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE |

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22 ) "The Closed Door" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE, (English, 1862-1942)
Wire Haired Fox Terrier engraving, titled "The Closed Door", published by 'Frost & Reed' 1919. Signed artists' proof on Japanese vellum, by Herbert Dicksee R.E (1862 -1942).

Paintings | Fox Terrier | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1919 |

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23 ) "A British Bulldog" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee RE, (English, 1862 -1942)
Bulldog etching on vellum, artist proof, signed in pencil by Herbert Dicksee (English 1862 - 1942). Titled "A British Bulldog", published by Frost and Reed in 1913. One of 300 artists' proofs on vellum.

Paintings | Bulldog | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1913 |

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24 ) Wire-haired Fox Terrier / Jack Russell "A Place In The Sun" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee (1862 - 1942)
Wire-haired Fox Terrier / Jack Russell by Herbert Thomas Dicksee (English 1862 - 1942). Titled "A Place In The Sun". Published by Frost & Reed 1924, limited edition, artist proof on vellum, signed on pencil "Herbert Dicksee".

Paintings | Jack Russell | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1924 |

Click to see full size: A Sleeping Pekingese by Herbert Thomas Dicksee

25 ) "A Sleeping Pekingese" by Herbert Thomas Dicksee (English 1862-1942)
Pekingese etching by Herbert Thomas Dicksee (English 1862-1942). Titled "A Sleeping Pekingese", published by Frost and Reed, 1924. Dry point artist proof limited to 100 editions with "FATG" "JUSN" blindstamp. Further described in the image: "Copywright 1924 by Frost& Reed Ltd (of Bristol, England)in the United States of America"

Paintings | Pekingese | Artist: Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE | Yr: 1924 |


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1) Thomas Herbert Dicksee, RE - 20th Century | England


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Click to see full size: The William Walls RSA, RSW (Scottish, 1860-1942) Wire-haired Jack Russell finds a new home

1) The William Walls RSA, RSW (Scottish, 1860-1942) Wire-haired Jack Russell finds a new home

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2) "Sealyham Puppy" another Cecila Aldin miniature on display

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3) Margaret Boden and Yorkshire Terrier find new home

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4) Louis Comfort Tiffany and his Terrier "Funny" by Joaquin Sorolla (Spanish, 1863 - 1923) - See this at the Royal Academy of Arts "Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse" from 30 January to 20 April 2016

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8) “Huntin’, Shooting’ and Fishin’“ Antique Explorer February 2014

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9) Our Arthur Wardle finds new friend

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10) Antique Explorer February 2014- "Totally Bona Fido" by Margaret Gaskin - Antiques/Collectables/Interiors Your National Guide to the Best UK Antiques Fairs



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Last Updated: 11:26 PM Mon 11 Nov 2024

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